Important Updates Regarding Covid-19 and your event

Thank you for trusting your event planning and execution with Something To Celebrate. We pride ourselves in preparedness and our abilities to trouble-shoot, so as we continue to face the impact this virus is having on the events industry, we’ve proactively developed a list of recommendations for our clients with events occurring within the next few months. While some of these recommendations do require an additional expense, the increase is nominal and could greatly benefit you and your guests.

  • guest book - pump bottle of hand sanitizer on table with sign asking guests to sanitize before (and after?) touching pens/markers, could be with a sign along the lines of “You’re Our Invited Guest! germs are not."

  • bus - attendant stationed at door, dispensing hand sanitizer in each person's hands as they board and again as they disembark.

  • building entrance - single person (staff, house party) assigned to open and close each door, nobody else touches handles/knobs

  • restrooms - entrance/exit door propped open, or paper towels and trash cans placed right next to entrance/exit door with a "Don't Touch" sign on the handle; place fun reminders about proper handwashing next to bathroom sinks - this site will even make a graphic aligned with the lyrics of the song of your choice.

  • food service - all items served by staff, no shared serving utensils, no reused dishes, nothing self-serve.

  • beverages - all beverages served by bartenders, no beverage stations or shared carafes.

  • bussing - staff wears gloves that are removed when handling anything other than trash

  • photo booths - attendant is the only one to touch screens, eliminate props, sanitizer for scrap book (similar to guest book above).

  • microphones during toasts - DJ/emcee wipes and replaces single-use wind screen before/after each person's use

  • miscellaneous spaces - a dedicated staff member walks around with disinfectant wipes, constantly wiping all spots people could/will touch

  • hugging - consider adding a sign that says something like "Let's Be Royals - bows and curtsies instead of hugs and handshakes."

*in the event that disinfectant wipes and bottles of hand sanitizer continue to be scarce in stores, the hope is that clients and families will be able to combine their resources to provide an adequate supply. Rubbing alcohol and paper towels could be used in the place of disinfectant wipes.

Additionally, we’ve been in touch with many local vendors and it seems everyone is committed to following-through with their contracts, barring the government forbidding us from doing so. We’ve been discussing contingency plans and rescheduling/cancellation policies (most of which are detailed in the contracts you’ve signed). If you have any particular questions or concerns that we can help with, please let your planner and/or myself know.

We’re all committed to the best possible outcome for all involved, as we meet these challenge with both preparedness and optimism. We continue to be excited for your celebration!