Happy Thanksgiving!

This has been a bumpy year for me - I lost two grandparents, my husband's work cut his income 45%, our daughter had surgery... I could go on! With such tumultuous events, it's often easy to overlook all of the good surrounding us. I love that in America we set aside this time of year to be thankful, as we truly should be! Surely I can come up with a list of ten things for which I'm thankful (and I'm sure you can, too!):

1 - I have had such a healthy year! When I was a teacher, I was constantly sick. But this year, I think I was sick only once! And due to the surgery and daily breathing treatments, our daughter has been sick only once since February. Health is such a blessing!

2 - I love my husband. Really, really love him. It's hard to believe our wedding was over 6 years ago because I still remember it so well. It is because of Ken that I am truly excited for engaged couples - marriage is the best thing EVER.
Engagement picture circa summer 2003 by EverAfter Images.

3 - We both have jobs that we love. Jobs that challenge us and allow us to really excel. And even with the bumpy economy, we've been able to hold on to these jobs! It's so rare to find a job you love - such a blessing to be able to keep it!

4 - I have, quite possibly, the best friends and family on earth. A network of people who support and encourage me. I'm thankful for every single one of them!

5 - We love our home. We live in the country on a couple of acres, but close enough to the city to not be cut-off. We have an amazing view of the stars each night, and it takes less than 30 minutes to get to downtown Austin. Best of both worlds!

6 - We have reliable transportation. Our cars may not be shiny and new, but they consistently get us where we need to go, and do so without drama. That's good enough for me!

7 - I have the best brides. Seriously. Right now I'm working with 8 brides (and their fiances/moms, of course), and I can honestly say I love each and every one of them! Bea, Ellen, Jennifer, Kari, Sarah B, Sarah D, Sarah R, and Stirling - thank you for making my job so enjoyable!!

8 - Our daughter is amazing. She is a constant source of delight for us. No matter how tough the day, a cuddle with her makes everything better. And today's her birthday! We've had two wonderful years with her, and have enjoyed every second. Happy birthday Aubrey!
Pictures taken by the amazing Lyndsay Stradtner of Life in Motion Photography.

9 - I'm unexpectedly pregnant. We had pretty much decided that Aubrey would be an only child so it may seem odd that I'm thankful for a surprise pregnancy, but I am so overwhelmed by the love and joy Aubrey has added to our family that I'm just bursting at the seams at the thought of another little one to bring more of the same. I discovered this song yesterday and I fully admit it gets me all choked up: "Family Tree" by Frances England
We have an appointment the week of Christmas to hopefully find out if we're having a boy or girl. My due date is May 14, 2010 so the scheduled c-section will most likely be May 7, 2010. I'm thankful for this healthy and easy pregnancy, and sooooo thankful for the baby we're preparing to welcome into our family.

10 - Ken is a fantastic father. His unconditional love and devotion to Aubrey has taught me about my own dad's love for me, and of the love God must have for us. It's easy to see why Aubrey is such a daddy's girl - I was too. There's just something special and amazing about a parent's love, and I am so thankful to experience that love with Ken.

I hope this Thanksgiving gives you time to really reflect on all that you have, and that your blessings increase with each passing day.
Happy Thanksgiving!
